Stay on it.
In this season, God is watching over His words to perform them as stated clearly in the scriptures. So make sure you are not loosing focus of whatever God has told you. Regardless of all the happenings around the world, He will do you good.
Many people go through life without any specific purpose, they’re just going through the motions & existing. There is no motivation or spark of inspiration in what they do. They put in just enough effort to get by because they aren’t passionate about it.
You may currently be on a job/career path or business you aren’t really passionate about, but you need the job so as to pay your bills, don’t give up on what makes you happy, discover and put in more time, even if it’s on a part time basis.
Being deliberate is very important and necessary if you must succeed at whatever you set your heart to do in life. When you are deliberate concerning your purpose, you will put in your best and you are able to produce outstanding results.
Find what you are passionate about and Stay on it. Passion keeps you going, it fuels your enthusiasm and keeps you on the cutting edge, eager to produce results.
It could be a hobby or a vocation. When you are done with your day job, invest time and resources into it. When you do that consistently over time, it will grow and maybe one day you might be able to leave the job and focus on your passion as a source of income.
Life should not be lived in misery and sadness. Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly, If you find yourself feeling hopeless and despondent, it may be that you have nothing in your life that sparks your passion.
There is a lot to be excited about, think about the people that brighten your day, think about colleagues that make you laugh, Family, friends and the people we are privileged to have in our lives are enough reasons to be joyful.
Be deliberate about loving people and giving back, life is about giving and loving. Show some love to someone today, expressing love to others sparks a passion for life in us.
When you find and express your passion you are more joyful and fulfilled.
I pray for fresh grace for you to find expression for the things you are passionate about in Jesus name.
In His Love,