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Organize your life!

We can not attain greatness if we are not organised in life. We are in an era where planning is so crucial because it is paramount to success. Activities could get us really overwhelmed if we don’t learn proper organisation and proper planning.

A lot of things and situation compete for first place in our daily lives but it is important to know that everything cannot come first, we need to prioritize what comes first, second and so on.

Understand that people who are well-organized do not waste time. They know that staying productive requires keeping things structured and in order.

Learn to create and maintain daily and weekly routines, timelines, deadlines and goals. Have a daily to do list, most importantly, adhere to them!

Organized people keep order of items by storing them properly and by labelling the container.

Do whatever you can to get rid of items that are of no use. Learn to delegate responsibilities and duties, avoid procrastination and stay focused. Staying organized is not all a breeze. It requires you being deliberate and intentional.

In all you do, put God and prayer first, let God take precedence in your life, avoid situation or people that want to take God’s place. Staying organized is not all a breeze. It requires you being deliberate and intentional.




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