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Do It Afraid(2)

Don’t be afraid to take that step you are sure God is asking you to take. Don’t be afraid to fail. He says to you “Multiply…..” take that step of faith and do it even if you are afraid.

This is the time to expand your capacity and take on more societal problems to solve. Don’t be discouraged by the exchange rates, economic situation or those around you who don’t see what you see.

Do you have a dream, or a vision, something you are holding on to in line with your purpose and God’s promises? Hold on to your God-given dream; don’t derail, don’t give up or go with the popular flow, be focused.

Don’t reduce your God-given vision to suit the prevailing circumstances, if God gave you the idea or put you in that line of business, trust Him to fulfill his word and His purpose for you.

God’s word to you per time is an opportunity for you to shine. Even when things appear rough, there is room to shine. Go ahead, enlarge your coast, and take that step. Put away excuses and take action. Do it afraid.

Whether or not you feel blessed or even understand fully what God said or what lies ahead, go on and take action. Over time, as you press on with your God given vision, things will add up & it will all make sense.

If the word of God is in you, in spite of opposition, tap into the resources He has provided and move! Pressing on with your vision should not be dependent on how you feel.

Be focused, and go in this might and live an amazing life against all odds!

I pray for grace for you to be all that God has called you to be in Jesus name.

In His Love,




© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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