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Our times of trials are opportunities to become more like Him. The more we are like Him; the less we will be shaken by negative circumstances that come our way.

When we go through hard times, we must constantly remind ourselves of the finished work of Christ on the Cross. The situation may not turn around immediately but you will remain joyful knowing you have victory.

You may not know exactly how God is planning to sort out the situation but be sure that He will bring a message out of it. He gives beauty for ashes. Job was an upright man who was minding his business when God bragged about him to Satan.

He endured very devastating trials but held on to God and refused to curse Him or lose his faith. From the account of his experience, we learn that sometimes the greatest trials come to those who are truly serving God.

God specializes in turning ugly situations into beautiful ones and he always gives beauty for ashes. It is therefore important for us to see those ugly situations from God's perspective. Relax and trust God because for every disappointment, you will encounter an appointment for destiny. You are victorious in Him Who has called you.

​​Therefore, hang in there and don't give up. God is always with you. Tap into His presence and receive joy. Be joyful because as your faith is being tested, spiritual strength and growth is being established in your life.

I want to admonish you this week to always stay positive regardless of what’s happening around the world. Remember you are on a faith walk and you have to live by the realities of God’s word.

I pray for grace for you to rejoice in the Lord and in the power of his might always.

In His love,



© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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