Faith for now!
The story of the woman in Luke 12 v 10-13, who had a spirit of infirmity, is such an interesting one, this woman had a debilitating illness and was bent over for eighteen years. She was perpetually bent over in an odd posture and couldn’t lift her head up to function normally.. She was always looking downwards, at her feet, she couldn’t look up to enjoy the beauty of the sun!
She faithfully attended the synagogue, which is like church in today’s world, every week, trusting God for her healing.
This woman must have tried different things, gone from pillar to post before she was healed.
One day, Jesus was there at the synagogue also, he saw her, addressed her situation and she was healed!
Whatever it is, it may be an addiction, physical or emotional issues that has kept you in a challenging state for so long, I encourage you to cast your issues upon Jesus because he cares for you.

You may have tried all you know, but with no solution. I want you to know that God wants you delivered and healed.
There is deliverance and freedom available for you in Christ Jesus, don’t give up hope, your manifestation is just around the corner. It is going to happen for you because God loves you and his plans for you are of good, not of evil.
Sometimes we have faith for whatever we believe God for, but the manifestation may seem too long in coming, I want to assure you that your day of manifestation will come, so don’t you give up on yourself and on God.
Call on Jesus and He will step into your difficult situation and make things right, He specializes in showing that He is God and He never fails.
As you trust God, knowing that he never fails, I pray that you receive Gods beauty in every area you are trusting Him for a change.
In His Love,