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Build your self esteem/confidence - 2

Many people suffer from poor self-esteem and it is a major hindrance to living an amazing life. A low self-esteem and a fearful heart will prevent us from walking in dominion and victory.

A healthy self esteem is when you see yourself as being capable of great things, worthy of love and all of God’s goodness, it reflects in your conversation, and how you think and speak about yourself.

There may be negativity around us but that doesn’t have to define who we are or hold us back. If God says “Go”, receive the faith and the strategy to go about doing His will for your life.

Living with a poor self-esteem is accepting less than what God has called you to be. It is living in mediocrity.

How can you turn things around positively in your esteem?

Accept who God says you are. He says you are beautifully and wonderfully made, make this your truth. Discover your gifts, develop them and showcase them. You are made for greatness.

Even if you suffer from a physical disability or limitation, know that you are not less than the one who appears whole.

The biggest limitations we have are not physical, they are in our minds.

We should not focus on our limitations for we have all we need within us to live amazing lives, surround yourself with positive people who will lift you up. We are influenced greatly by the voices we surround ourselves with.

Have friends that remind you of what God has put inside you, people who can build you up with their words. Let go of any negative influence and people that drag you down. Some relationships have to go for you to maintain a positive esteem. Identify those relationships and gently let them go.

While growing up, many were badly bruised by authority figures who became nay-sayers and as adults, they may still find those limiting voices coming up in their minds when they try to attempt great things.

When you know yourself, you are better able to harness your innate abilities to create the results you desire.

I pray for grace for you to overcome every limiting thought affecting your esteem in Jesus name.

In His Love,



© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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