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Stay in His presence

In Mark 1:35, we read that Jesus cultivated the habit of praying and spending quiet time with God.

A vibrant relationship with God builds up latent power in us to help us navigate difficult situations and challenges we may face through the day.

We wake up and hope for the best but we never really know what the day will bring, we need to have the wisdom of God to navigate.

Sometimes we are confronted unexpectedly with badly behaved people on the road, at work and in the market place..

Unfortunately sometimes our first reactions may not reflect whose we are and what values we uphold.

As believers, we must take heed to do and not just hear the word of God.

Technology has made it such that there is no excuse anymore not to access and study the word of God on demand.

We can carry our Bibles around on our phones and other electronic devices. Download good, uplifting music and listen as you go along your day. Music draws us into the consciousness of the presence of God.

If you want to operate in the miraculous, don’t shift your gaze from God. Stay in His presence.

Are you going through physical or emotional pain? Keep your focus on God.

Jesus walked this road before us and came out victorious, you are empowered to do same!

If you keep looking at the source of your pain, the troubles would only be compounded.

This season, receive grace to rise above every limiting thought and mindset. What sunk you before now will not have any power over you.

You will not drown in the pressures of life, you will come out triumphant in Jesus name.

In His Love,



© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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