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Living a purposeful life!

What God has called you to do? Your purpose and calling determines Gods expectations of you. God is strategic with creation and everything was made for a specific purpose. God allowed your birth because He has a plan for you and because he wants to get glory out of you.

The Bible says we were created for His good pleasure, to glorify Him. We can only give God pleasure when we stay in the areas He has purposed that you will be planted and where you will make an impact for Him. It’s not enough therefore, that we worship God all day long in church, there are people out there who we must contact and impact to join in the worship of God.

Whatever it is you are doing, you do it with a difference, because God has ordained for you to do it well.

Purpose is the intention of a thing or the aim or function of a particular thing. Make your life count, live purposeful everyday! Remain motivated, let whatever you do have meaning, let it be valuable to God.

What did God have in mind for you when He made you? The place of purpose is the place of fulfillment. It’s the place of blossoming, yet not that you have arrived. It’s a place of fulfillment, yet not a place of complacency. Because if you say you have arrived, that means you have finished your work and you cease to be relevant on earth.

To move into the place of purpose, start by asking yourself “who am I?’’ Be very honest with yourself. Ask yourself questions, get a sheet of paper and begin to put down answers that come to your mind. Even if you think you are already in purpose, ask yourself the questions all the same, because you may not yet be in the centre of what God wants you to do. See yourself as a seed that is planted and watered, it dies but the cell revives and begins to grow into a plant.

The Bible says except a corn of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it abides alone. And sometimes you go through situations that look like you are dying, God will resurrect you.

Some of the things we are currently involved in may be distracting us from purpose and will have to go for our real purpose to be revealed. Jesus had to die on the cross before his purpose of saving humanity could be realized. That’s the way he was able to multiply Himself in our lives as Christians.

I pray that God will open your eyes and heart to His true purpose for you in Jesus name.

In His Love,



© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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