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Obeying God

So many times when God speaks to us we tend to doubt or ask questions in our head, we struggle with instructions from God.

Acts 10 v 9-14.

So many times we hold on to a certain instruction even after HE has given another new word or instruction. We need to continually seek to know Him per time, not just when we need help or a miracle.

We need to develop our intimacy with God which in turn helps us to know what to do per time.

There are specific instructions from God to individuals per time, and that's the reason why you have to be intimate and know God for yourself and understand whatever He is saying to you per time.

This new year, you will do yourself a great deal of favor to be intimate with HIM and walk closely with Him.

Do not call what God has cleansed unclean, don't hold on to His old ways of doing things. 1 Sam.5 v 22. It pays to obey in totality.

You must decide and be deliberate in obeying God this year, because this season is such that we will all experience God according to each ones revelation of God concerning our lives.

You must learn to obey God and do HIS bidding, do not always thrive to look good in the eyes of the people.

I pray for fresh grace this new decade for you reading this article, that you will hear His voice and obey Him accordingly.

In His Love,



© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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