Look to the bright side of life!

It is a known fact and reality that this year is running to an end so quickly and it seems like nothing is working for you or coming through for you, you may have put in a lot of effort into your work, relationships and service in general but feel the rewards are slow in coming, I encourage you to step out from that cloud of dissatisfaction and near depression!
The Bible in Hebrews 6: 9-10 tells us that God would never forget our work and labor of love when we serve Him and others. If you believe Gods word, rest and be reassured that your reward is on the way.
Negative circumstances and broken expectations may sometimes make life seem unfair.
God is bringing something new out of you, a beauty and a blessing that will over shadow past pain and struggles.
You may experience opposition but you must press on with God. He never fails!
Here are some important attitudes to imbibe as you trust God for an end to struggles in your life. Ask God for grace to forgive those who have hurt you.
You cannot truly rest if your heart is filled with bitterness and hate towards people, even if they have truly wronged you.
Ask God to help you release them and love them unconditionally so that you can experience His peace. Study God’s word and meditate on who He says you are in His word.
This sense of identity feeds your esteem and helps you confront negative situations with the right attitude.
Lastly, walk in humility. Humility brings us favor with God and with people around us.
You will find that people are more receptive to you and willing to help you when you are humble.
I pray that God's grace will be evident in your life all the more this season in Jesus name.
In His Love,