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Don't Allow Fear

Fear is a hindrance to fulfilling purpose, be it fear of rejection, shame or death. When fear shows up, confront it with the word of God.

Someone said that fear can be defined as False Evidence Appearing Real. Most times, the fears we have are just a mirage. The scary thoughts in your heart are the propaganda of the enemy to stop you in your tracks.

The enemy uses fear to stop us from doing what God has asked us to do and stop us from fulfilling our destiny. One of my favorite personalities in the bible is Esther, she had a deadline to either help her people or perish along with them.

Fear knocked on her heart heavily but she did not give in to it, she made a decision, she broke the hold of fear. Esther trusted in God who placed her as a queen in the palace for that particular purpose.

Lack of revelation brings fear. Esther got a revelation from God, she knew the steps to take and what direction to go and she took action.

We all experience fear sometimes in our lives, but we must not give in to it, we must meditate on God’s word and arise because fear is only as deep as your mind allows it.

With God on your side, you can make a lasting impact just like Esther did. Even in the face of fear, go forth! Confront and do whatever God has laid upon your heart to do.

Doing precedes success. When you are bold to do what God has called you to do, you get the reward of fulfillment. The bible says the righteous are as bold as a Lion, so be bold and courageous for God is with you.

We serve a big God and remember that when he sends you he will always back you up. Don’t allow fear to cripple your heart, don’t let it stop you from becoming who God has destined you to be, confront it and you will overcome.

In His Love.



© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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