Love is Action
Love is powerful; it is God’s identity and our identity also because we are made in His image, after His likeness (Gen 1:26). Out of the abundance of His love that flows in us He expects us to reach out to the world around us and spread this love.
You can reach out to people with a healing touch, a kind word and a tangible solution to physical needs. There is a void in every one that only God’s love can fill.
When people do not feel loved or accepted, they look for love in the wrong places. Some people turn to crime, drugs, prostitution, homosexuality and other destructive vices.
God wants to heal the world through you and me who have first received and experienced His love. Love, though a commandment is not an easy task so we should depend on God for grace to love others the way He has commanded..Love can fill every void.

When confronted with the needs of people, many are quick to put the responsibility on the government, church or other private institutions. Jesus is calling out to you and me to be the change we want to see in the world around us. Our hands are His hands, out feet, His feet.
Let’s explore the small, practical ways of loving others that might actually make more tangible and lasting impact on the lives of others. In God’s kingdom, small things done with the right motives yield the greatest results.
It is often the easy, cheap, affordable, insignificant, simple acts of love and kindness that do the most to help people experience the love and acceptance of Jesus through your life. Let’s lend a helping hand, give a listening ear, praying for a grieving heart, feed a hungry person, encourage the heart-broken.
This way we can be agents of emotional healing and empowerment to the people around us.
May God open your eyes to the practical ways you can be a blessing to the world around you in Jesus name.
In His Love,