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There are three kinds of love. One says, I love you because I want you. This is sensual love. This is about sex, and in marriage it is lawful and acceptable to give and receive that kind of love.

Another kind of love says, “I love you because I need you” . The third love says, I love you unconditionally. This is Agape Love; it is the highest level of love.

Agape love is the love that God has for us and the capacity to love that way is given to us by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we can ask for grace to love that friend, colleague, neighbor, relative, in-law, boss and even spouse that is so unlovable.

God loves us because He knows that we need Him. It’s this unconditional love that makes us His children. For those with unbelieving spouses, let the grace of God give you the spirit of agape love, to love him/her.

In the Bible, we see that the believing spouse is a covering for the unbelieving one and God gives grace to love him/her unconditionally. Staying in the marriage will take a deep commitment and uncommon love on your part but grace is available.

Sometimes, it’s not that they are totally unbelieving, it may be that they are not as spiritual as you are, it could be that your level of devotion and commitment to the things of God is higher; you need to be patient because he/she needs you.

Let’s walk in that realm of agape love, the God kind of unconditional love. I believe we’ll be more Christ-like that way, because it will be by His strength.

And when we are hurt as we sometimes would be in such relationships, we should open up our hurt to God. May we receive fresh strength and grace to reach up and reach out in Jesus name..amen.

In His Love,



© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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