Guard Your heart
If it's not happening within, it won't happen outside. Everything first happens in your heart before it becomes a reality.
The Bible says we should be careful so we don't have a root of bitterness. We have to be mindful of what is going on within us and take charge of every thought and emotion.
Out of the contents of your heart, your life is shaped. Your heart controls the narrative of your life. Your heart is your stronghold, it is where your strength is.
Negative circumstances may arise and cause us to feel weary but we must not give in or give up. We must renew our inward man daily and always look up to God for strength.
Many people expect that life in Christ is devoid of trials, that's simply not true. Jesus said "… In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
The trials will surely come but if you look to Jesus, you would pass through it with grace and strength.
When negative things happen, you should get the right perspective about it. Ask the Holy Spirit to help and give you insight. Do an inventory and identify those things that are most important in life knowing that where there is life, there is hope. Always guard your heart.

All things work together for our good always! We may not understand right now but we should rest in our knowledge that all is working out for our benefit.
God never wastes our experiences; through them we can empathize with others going through whatever we’ve overcome so count it all joy! Trust in God's love, trust less in your own abilities.
When we come to that point where we don't struggle with our weaknesses any more, we know that we are maturing in the things of God.
Never make anyone your sole source of joy of happiness, no single person can be everything to you, not even your spouse. Look outward at others who are going through issues greater than yours, let it make your heart grateful.
Hold your head high, no matter your circumstances your identity remains the same. You are royalty, the joy of many generations.
Enjoy yourself as you keep unraveling your amazing self. Be happy.
In His Love,