Let God Change it!

God is the friend that sticks closer than a brother and He desires that you draw close to Him and embrace His love. Lean on God, cast your cares and burdens on Him. He wants to heal and give you strength for the areas of life you struggle with. His change is here.
He wants you to trust Him because He is the Beautifier and Lifter of the hurting and downtrodden. Allow God to deal with your issues, receive your healing and become a source of blessing to your world.
You cannot afford to live in bitterness. Let go. Bitterness
is a crutch that will hinder you from walking into all God has prepared for you in destiny.
Embrace God's love, let it wash away your pain and birth a fresh passion to love and help others. No matter how bad your issues are, remember God is the reason why things are not worse.
Live a life of praise, remember that as long as you have life, there is hope! When you wake up in the morning, let your heart be filled with gratitude! Trust in His ability.

You are special to God. Allow and Let God Change it all, so you can shine like a star that you truly are. It was recorded in the Bible that Pharaoh's daughter rescued Moses from the River Nile and adopted him.
The same River Nile that was supposed to kill Moses saved him. That river carried him into His destiny in God. That same circumstance that is causing you pain can be used by God for your lifting and to cause your fame to shine abroad.
You are not alone because God is with you on this journey so don’t be afraid.
You will come out victorious! I pray for you, that you receive grace to open your heart to the
One who is closer than a brother.
In His Love.