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A New Dawn

God is a God of new experiences, he doesn’t want you stuck in the past, re-visiting old hurts and offences, He can turn things around for you and take you to a new level that is far more glorious than where you have been.

However, you must be willing to let go of the past by forgetting the old and embrace the new. Embrace His promise to you in Isaiah 43:19.. “..Behold, I will do a new thing…”

Joseph’s story changed for the better in Egypt, and Joseph said “He has made me to forget the toil to my father’s house” God promises you joy and peace that is beyond human understanding.

The Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength, it is important for you to maintain joy in your heart. Don’t permit unpleasant situations or circumstances to rob you of your joy, because that inner joy is the fuel that keeps you going.

Whenever you attempt to step into new things and a new level in life, there would sometimes be voices of discouragement coming at you. Don’t be discouraged, God says to you…“Look unto Me and you shall be changed”

Don’t dwell on the negative voices, believe what God has said about you.

Step out into a new level of peace, joy and ideas that would bring breakthroughs in your life, finances and marriage.

I pray that God will fill your heart with fresh joy and strength in Jesus name.

In His Love,



© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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