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Be Good

It is important to be known as a person of character and to keep a good reputation. Be known for something good; show kindness to people, speak good words into people’s lives, and also use your position to bless people around you.

In the book of Esther, we read that at some point in time Esther had to leave her comfort zone to go before the king, knowing fully well that it could lead to her death. But she had to do it because her people were in danger and she had the opportunity to save them, and thankfully she found favor in the sight of the king and her people got their freedom.

It was noble and sacrificial that Esther saw herself as a solution to a problem and she gave her best.

I encourage you not to give up in the face of any challenge, when things seem to be tough. Hold on till daybreak! Hold on to God, joy comes in the morning! When you wait on God, He will make all things beautiful in its time and reward you openly.

You will meet like minded people who will love you genuinely and help you fulfill your purpose.

God's blessings aren't ends in themselves, but are means to an end. He blesses you to make you a blessing to others. Be Good.

I pray for grace for you to build character and a reputation that yields favor in Jesus name.

In His Love,



© 2020 by Nike Adeyemi

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