Pass On Your Faith

Timothy in the Bible was a young pastor who was growing in the Lord yet Paul recognized that some work had been done in Timothy’s life which he (Paul) couldn’t take responsibility for.
He encouraged Timothy to stir up the gifts of God in Him. Paul came into Timothy’s life to mentor him to the next level, he encouraged and taught him but not without acknowledging that he met faith in his life.
The faith was in his grandmother Lois and in turn passed on to his mother, Eunice. (2 Timothy 1:5) Apostle Paul was indirectly blessing the women that did the fluoridation work in the life of Timothy.
Are you doing foundational work in the life of your children to pass your faith to them?
Romans 10:17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. That is how we get faith: by hearing the word of God, by paying attention to it, in church and also at home, having some quiet time getting refreshed by God. There is a surplus of bad news out there and we have to counter it with the word of God.

The word of God says that when men are cast down, we will say there is a lifting up. Our hearts should not fear even with all the bad things happening in the world around us rather, we will be encouraged in faith to know that we and our children will not be part of the problem but they will be solution providers.
Don’t focus on the environment, yes the environment is tough but we can’t walk in fear because we attract what we fear. Believe that the seed of the word you’ve sown and the prayers you have invested before and after birth are finding good ground.
May your children fulfill their potential and make God proud in Jesus name.
In His love,