Obedience & Prosperity

It is God’s will that we should prosper physically in our bodies, in our spirits and our soul which is also our mind. When we are prosperous in our bodies, we are strong and healthy, full of vigor and vitality even in advancing years.
A prosperous spirit is a spirit that is in unbroken fellowship with God, sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit at all times. The prosperity of the mind means that we are emotionally stable and free from hurt and unforgiveness.
Live a life of obedience and righteousness. As we live righteously before God, obeying His leading and instructions, we find that these blessings become our reality in life.
Righteousness means putting God first in our lives, our homes, our work and in our finances. Yes, in our finances! The essence of God’s blessing is so that we can glorify Him and also be a channel of good to others.

A righteous person is a cheerful giver because giving is the result of walking in obedience to God. You cannot love God and be stingy with your resources. You will be prudent because God hates waste but not stingy.
How can we give when we feel we don’t even have enough for ourselves? You must remember that giving is an action of faith, trusting that God is our source and will supply all our needs
As we give, we must keep our eyes and hearts fixed on God’s promises, not the temporary difficulties around us. “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9)
Giving and helping others in need is a proof of our love for God and that we are true disciples of Jesus. Jesus said “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” John 13:35
I pray that you receive grace to do God’s Word and the blessings of obedience will manifest in your life in Jesus name!
In His Love