Guard Your heart
If it's not happening within, it won't happen outside. Everything first happens in your heart before it becomes a reality. The Bible says...

Stay With God
Spending time with God, meditating on His Word & listening to what He has to say to you for the day. There is no better place to plan...

Many times, situations & negative circumstances make us complain and moan about the hardships we face. In the world today, the grumbling...

Believe in God
Faith is the key by which we access all that God has reserved for us as His children. Your faith may be as small as a mustard seed, but...

God’s Love
God is love and that He loves you is not just a cliché. I want you to believe in the love that God has for you with deep conviction; be...

Let God Change it!
God is the friend that sticks closer than a brother and He desires that you draw close to Him and embrace His love. Lean on God, cast...

A New Dawn
God is a God of new experiences, he doesn’t want you stuck in the past, re-visiting old hurts and offences, He can turn things around for...

The Real You
The real big deal is the talent and gift that God has given you? What’s that thing which fills you with so much joy? This could be your...

Be Good
It is important to be known as a person of character and to keep a good reputation. Be known for something good; show kindness to people,...

We all need this message of forgiveness, whether single, married, young and old. In actual fact, we are hurting ourselves by holding on...