Breathe: A Retreat with Nike Adeyemi
Beloved! Have you registered? Here is a subtle reminder about the 'Breathe: A Retreat with Nike Adeyemi'. As a pastor’s wife and...

Nike Adeyemi Wins President’s Lifetime Achievement Award
Dr. Nike Adeyemi has been awarded the President's Lifetime Achievement Award in Connecticut. Here is a quick snapshot of how it all...

Can you tell what you see?
Your vision for yourself will ultimately become your reality, what you see is what you become. So, what do you see? No matter the trials...
Check your gratitude list
Life should not be lived in misery and sadness just because things are not going the way you planned it. If you find yourself feeling...

'Be true to thy self! 2
You may have some areas you would like to work on and we all do, no one is perfect. There is nothing to be ashamed about. Know your...

Be true to thy self!
You have got to be true to yourself; you are unique and cannot be like anyone else. As much as we love or admire them, you cannot be like...

Keep a positive mindset
You need to stay positive and true to yourself this year till the end. Do not let anyone talk you down or discourage you, keep your faith...

Build your own!
As a woman makes plans to get married and raise a Godly family, she should also build her financial capacity. Either by full-time...

Where is God leading you?
Sometimes we feel lost in the forest of life and it seems God is nowhere to be found. But God knows this, and time and time again gives...

Faith cometh by hearing;What are you hearing?
It is no longer news that we live in a noisy world, noise coming from work/career, social media, happenings around us, etc. This makes...